How to Prepare Growing Up Milk Formulas?

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How to Prepare Growing Up Milk Formulas

Attention parents!! Do you know that the most rapid stage of development for a toddler is between the ages of 1-3? If the first birthday of your baby has passed, this milestone is going to be a huge mark for the next ones to come. As your toddler is growing fast, you have to be extra careful about his changing nutritional needs. Milk is one of the foundational foods that babies consume. That’s why doctors recommend mothers to get the best milk formula like Aptamil growing up milk for their munchkins.

Toddler Nutrition Facts

Nursing sure is the healthiest formula for any toddler but the nutrients of a baby can be fulfilled with other milk formulas too. Before we move on to anything, have a look at some interesting facts:

• A toddler needs 4.5x more iron than an adult male
• The most essential nutrient components for the normal growth and development of a baby’s bones are calcium and vitamin D.

You surely want the best for your child right? Aptmil milk would serve the purpose best!it is a whole milk formula that contains all the necessary nutrients required by a child between the ages of 1-2. It is in fact a balanced diet for any toddler. It contains iron, vitamins A, C &D, GOS/FOS and long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is also voted as the best toddler’s milk in Choice Awards 2016 by Tesco Loves Baby Mums.

Steps for Preparing the Growing up Milk 

If you are a new parent, you might be looking for some help in preparing the growing up milk. Read the steps below to get everything right:

NOTE: Most parents buy powder formula for their infants. Remember the powder formula is not sterile. If you fail to follow the instructions properly, it might make your child ill.

1. Measure 5 fl ounces of boiled water (make sure it is cool when in use) in a clean baby bottle.
2. Add 5 leveled scoops of the powder milk into the bottle.
3. Mix it well for about 10 seconds till the powder is dissolved and close the bottle with its lid.
4. The milk is now ready for your toddler to drink. Make sure you test the temperature of the milk before feeding it to your baby.

If you prefer giving your child liquid milk, then you won’t have to follow all these steps. You simply have to shake the carton of the growing up milk before opening it. Pour the amount of milk into your baby’s bottle by checking the feeding guide. You may warm the milk before giving it to your baby. Room temperature milk would be fine too.