Why Give Growing Up Milk Formula?

At 6 months, your baby may be trying a lot of new things, from sitting up, to using sippy cup and also trying solids. After all, searching out new hiding places, learning to walk, and learning to talk takes a lot of concentration and skill. At this stage, your kid might be more interested in playing with his food than eating it.
Nevertheless, ensuring that your toddler’s nutritional needs are met is important. Toddlers need a diverse, balanced diet to ensure they get the vitamins and minerals needed. Just 2 beakers a day of growing up milk contain about the right percentage of toddlers' daily vitamin D.
For toddlers between 6 to 12 months, milk remains an essential part of their diet, especially during weaning.
Between 1 to 3 years, it is important to make sure that your baby gets the nutrition needed to help them keep up with their adventures.
Do not forget milk plays an important role in weaning and if you use formula milk, you can try stage 2 follow-on milk.
Iron, in growing up milk, help in supporting normal cognitive development. This makes iron-rich foods a vital part of their weaning diet.
It is important to note that if your baby is less than a year old, don't feed her growing-up milk because growing-up milk is suitable only for toddlers aged between one year old and three years old.
Vitamins, minerals and prebiotics are added to growing up milk. Also, it contains higher levels of iron than other infant formula milks. Because of this, you may want to feed it to your infant once she is a year old. Nevertheless, at this age, your baby should be getting all the nutrient she needs from a combination of the breastmilk or infant formula milk and solid food.
Growing-up milk is no better for your child than cow's milk. And if you and your toddler are happy to continue breastfeeding, that is fine, too.
When your baby is one year old, you can give her cow's milk as a drink. By this time, your baby will be gaining a big part of her nourishment from solid foods. As long as she is having a variety of food, the mom should be getting all the minerals and vitamins she needs.
Still, it is easy for small children to miss out on important nutrients as they get used to eating regular meals.
If your little one is having vitamin drops and eating well, then she won't be needing growing-up milk. Even though growing-up milks have more nutrients, they also contain high in sugar and this could damage your child's teeth and her general health in the long-term. If you are unsure about feeding supplements or growing-up milk, then speak to your pediatrician.
In all, giving your kid growing up milk depends on your little one and not just a decision you can make based on people's opinion.